Don’t Fall Victim to Icy Conditions

Don’t Fall Victim to Icy Conditions

Icy ConditionsThe Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that falling on ice was the most common cause of serious winter-time injuries during a 2010-2011 reporting period.*  Over 7,000 admissions to the hospital were the result.  Age and gender seemed to play a factor in who literally fell victim to icy, wintry conditions.  Fifty percent of the cases reported involved those over age 60, and over half of the injured were women.  Most people understand that falling on the ice can be dangerous, causing foot and ankle injuries.  However, many don’t take proactive steps to keep themselves safe.  

A common sense approach is important when selecting footwear for icy weather.  The most important part of the shoe, in this case, is the sole.  It stands between you and the ice, so look for shoes that have a rubber sole and raised treads.  Avoid shoes that are smooth on the bottom, or those with heels.  If you need dress shoes for work, pack them in a bag, and change into them at the office.  

Other footwear features to consider are:  support, cushion, waterproofing and warmth.  Finding ice appropriate shoes may require a visit to a store that specializes in outdoor wear, but the extra effort is worth your safety!  As with any shoe, fit is important.  If your foot isn’t stable inside the shoe, you won’t be stable on the ice.

Walk this way-- don’t rush; walk slowly.  Also, keep your arms and hands free to help with balance.  Take firm, small steps, and look ahead at your path.  Ankle sprains and fractures as well as other foot injuries can occur due to falling on the ice, so taking precautions is wise.

The friendly and knowledgeable staff at Markham Foot Care Clinic wishes you a safe, fall-free winter.  If you have any questions about your foot health, please call our office at (905)294-8087, or visit our website to schedule an appointment.  Chiropodist Brian Cragg will address your concerns, and have you on your way to better foot health.

*This number does not include motor vehicle crashes.

photo credit: OliBac via photopin cc